Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sled Dogs

Every afternoon (and every morning) they have a demonstration of their sled dogs here at Denali. Most of the winter work in the park is done by sled dog – patrolling, stocking outposts, checking on wildlife, research – these dogs are very hard workers in the winter. But in the summer, they entertain the visitors, and they are MOST entertaining! Many of them are people friendly, love to be petted and scratched, and the one I interacted with didn't even want to lick my face – a very new experience with a dog for me! 

We walked through the kennels, admiring the dogs and talking to the rangers who work with them all year.  I was very interested to see how their crates are built and how they seem to like the roofs best!  For all you Sue Henry fans, this is what a dog yard looks like!   And for the Dana Stabenow fans, in one of the buildings they had the nameplates for retired dogs – check these out!!  Both Mutt and Kate! 
Retired dogs

This is how I imagine Kate's Mutt (Stabenow fans know what I mean!)
The dog yard

A little later in our time there, they hitched up 5 dogs to a sled to put on a demonstration. The instant they started getting dogs to hitch up, the character of the dog yard changed. Instead of lying quietly in front of or on top of their crates, they started barking, and prancing around as if saying "me, me, please take me…" The energy switched from quiet and almost lazy to eager and frenetic. 

There was a ranger after the dogs ran around a loop who talked about them, but I was mostly interested in another ranger who was caring for the dogs. She went along the line, petting each one, talking to each one, giving out chew toys, water, and then kneeling down with each one to splash water on its head and talk to it a bit. The affection she felt for these dogs was obvious, and wonderful to see. 

One of the dogs had a 3 week old litter of pups, and after the demo they were out in their pen....who can resist a puppy shot?!!

Tomorrow I'm off to Anchorage, and we'll see what comes next!!

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